Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A melhor conferência

Good morning, my dear family! Thank you for the wonderful emails. I loved every one. I love that you all loved conference as much as I did. My goodness, it was incredible, wasn´t it?? There´s so much a want to share with you! But for lack of time, I´ll keep it short and sweet. 
I have never loved a conference quite like I loved this one. I felt the sweetest spirit through the entire weekend. It was absolutely incredible to me the way that Heavenly Father instructed me and answered all my questions through each session. Earlier this week I was looking back to my notes from conference exactly a year ago... looking at the questions that I had written down.. wow how my life has changed in this last year. I could hardly believe it. I also was looking at the number of missionaries.. one year ago: 65,634. This year: More than 83,000. Incredible. I feel absolutely priveleged to be part of this incredible work in such an incredible and historical time. It´s truly an honor. There are so many things I loved this conference, so many talks that touched me deeply. I have to admit that I had an inkling of hope that President Monson would get up on Saturdaymorning and say that sisters could serve for two years... haha didn´t work. But I felt a very very sweet peace through this conference as the Lord taught me from on high and gave me the answers that I needed to help me in this last transfer and also to prepare me for the next phase of life. My hearts been overwhelmed with emotions this weekend and tears have been present at more than a few moments. I love this work. In a way I never thought I would. My hearts hurts to think that I have little time left to participate in it as a full time missionary. I can´t fathom the thought of leaving the house without this little black badge! But I know that the Lord has a plan for me. As President Uchtdorg so wisely told us, "There are no endings, only everlasting beginnings." During the last hymn yesterday, I felt a deeper peace than I have possibly ever felt. A peace that comforted me deeply. A peace that has stayed with me. I love this gospel. I love the idea of eternal progress. I love that wherever we are, there is work to do, there are hearts to lift, and people to serve. Now it´s time for me to continue running, to give it all to the Lord. There´s people here who need me. There´s people here who need help taking the first step to eternal life. How grateful I am to be a servant of the Lord with the authority to help them. I love our Savior Jesus Christ. I am certain that He lives. That He loves us. If I´ve learned one thing above the rest during this beautiful journey, it´s that our Heavenly Father and our Savior are so keenly aware of us and love us SO. MUCH. I have felt it in my life, and I have seen it felt in the lives of others. 
I love you. I am so grateful to know that we are sealed forever. I am so proud of each of you. Have a wonderful wonderful week! May you feel my endless love and prayers! 
Sister Kane

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