Tuesday, April 15, 2014

O Bom Fim

Bom dia! 
Looks like everyone´s doing great. Thank you for the updates and the pictures! 
This week was great. Finally the things started picking up here! We found 2 incredible families this week! And José is close.. really really close. We´re hoping to officially and finally mark his baptism for this Saturday... it´s already marked for his granddaughter, Isabele (I´ll send a pic of her.. I´m absolutely in love with that little girl) and now it´s time for José to finally commit to his word and be baptized with her. Oh how I love that family! 
Well with all the long awaited success this week we were shocked to receive the news about the transfer... we´re headed out. To a place really really far away...... the other side of the city :) We´re going to switch branches. We´ll stay together, Sister Pereira Silva and I, but we´re going to work in the other area now. I was very surprised... opening an area in my last 4 weeks haha.. but I know it´ll be great. They are leaving a great group of investigators for us. It was interesting because we found out when all the missinoaries were at a combined activity with the two branches on fridaynight. there was a young woman there named Daiane who was baptized on Saturday from the branch where we´re headed to. When we found out we´d be switching branches, that young girl caught my attention right away and I felt strongly that we were headed there in part because of her. To help her stay strong and (hopefully!) get prepared for a mission, and to help the rest of her family enter into the path. That night when we were going to sleep, Sister Pereira Silva said that she felt exactly the same thing. Interesting how Heavenly Father works, huh? Well, guess what the name of the new branch is... Bom Fim. Know that that means? Good End. hahah. It will be a Bom Fim indeed. I´m excited. I believe I have the record in the mission of the person who stays the least amount of time in each area. Heavenly Father´s got me switching things up all the time. :) But I´m grateful. He knows me well and knows that change is good for me. 
I love this work. I am happy as can be. I don´t feel like I´m at the end. Two feet in the mission, as my wise brother always counsels me :) I am grateful for the way the Lord teaches me each day. I am grateful for the love that I feel for the members and the people wherever I am, no matter how little time I stay. New beginnings, new adventures :) Our new area is over an hour away from our house... we´re going to get thin haha. 
I love our Savior Jesus Christ. Each day as I learn more about Him, I feel a greater desire to become more like Him and to help Heavenly Father´s children know about Him. I know He lives. May we remember Him even more as we prepare to celebrate Easter this week! 
I love you so much! Have a most wonderful week! You´re in my prayers. 
Sending my love and prayers from São Gabriel, 
Sister Kane

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